Hi everyone, I have neat G5 for sale.
Description: Replica has Maple Leaf Crazy Jet 6.02 barrel, hop-up chamber and rubber, Azimuth speed rubber (buffer) and Hephaestus steel charging handle.
It comes with three additional m4 mags with brand new CNC lips, AR stock adapter, SI replica buffer tube and minimalistic stock, angled front grip, flashlight, optics riser, bungee sling and AAC silencer. It was not used much (about 3-5 games as a backup) so it does not have much wear in or outside.
Blemishes: can’t find rear sight (will search), some small scratches on the body, P-mag has epoxy fix on the lips so it feeds properly.
Location: Poland
Price: 480eur + worldwide shipping
Payment: Paypal
NO EXCHANGES, THE PRICE IS FINAL - if you’re not interested please don’t bother