I am selling my AAP-01 DMR GBB as it was a passion project build of mine that has never really seen any Skirm use and I am trying to thin down my collection. The replica is nearly in brand new condition and fully upgraded, the only thing it needs is an outer barrel and hand guard, with the universal mount it can take most M4 parts. It shoots under 1.7y with .30g bbs and green gas, and is locked into semi with a 3d printed fire selection installed to comply with NABV regulations.
Everything in the photo is included;
70 degree maple leaf bucking
Maple leaf gbb barrel
AAP-01 charging handle
m4 stock tube
dmr stock with cheek riser
2 "Glock style" magazines
3x scope
peq box
original AAp-01 shell if you want to revert it into a pistol
Please make realistic offers, the replica can also be test fired.