Pretty new Colt M4 lima
Has never seen a field or anywhere outside of the living room.
(Max 100bbs have been shot)
- Replica Eotech holosight, 3x zoom
- AN/PEQ15 green laser, ir laser and light
- SurefireΒ kx1
- 45Β° RMR
- CNC buffer tube w/ stock
- Single button for both surefire and peq
- Flat grip
- Specna arms supressor
Β extras:
- Original hard stock
- Single point sling
- Original muzzle red
- ScopecoatΒ
- 2 specna arms mid caps and original high cap
- Lancer tactical red dot
- Bipod
- Iron sights
- Eotech box
- Stronger spring
Bidding starts at β¬500
Bieden start bij β¬500