This is a one of a kind replica for someone who wants some thing unique.
Its in excellent condition with no marks or scratches anywhere.
Its BASE replica is a VFC MCX. 639€
The whole body was cerakoted on FDE. 180€
Airsoft Artisan Spear LT Handguard 229€
VFC Folding Stock (also cerakoted) 150€
BCM Pistol Grip (also cerakoted) 30€
Maxx Model M4i HopUp (in order to Work flawlesly with PTS EPM mags) 90€
Prometheus New Gen Inner Barrel 70€
Begadi Mag5 Bucking 8€
Polarstar F2 Engine 540€
Comes with 5 PTS EPM magazines 30€ Each one
The whole build cost 2080€ excluding shipping costs and Work fee.
Will be shipped On its original box.