Unfortunately I am selling my beautiful HK 416 replica.
Has never seen a field / skirm, It was the intention but I just didn't get around to it. Only shot a few times inside the house, so as good as new and you can certainly see that!
The only downside is that the dust cover does not close. Nothing has broken its a known problem with this model.
Replica comes with:
- Very bright flashlight with pressure pad and rechargeable batteries €160,-
- strike system Holographic €75,-
-Walther evolution point sight €230,-
- Walther grip/ pod €27,95-
- TD grip €13.95-
- sling and sling mount €20,-
-extra mag €80,-
- Nuprol rifle case XL €170,-
And with extra stuff such as bbs, black and red gas, maintenance stuff and lubricants
shipping is possible but pick up is preferred