2 TORNADO airsoft grenades + parts

2 TORNADO airsoft grenades + parts

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te koop wegens stopzetting hobby.  

1x timer  (1.5sec en 3sec)  +  cosmectic spoon kit
1 x inpact 
1x pouch voor tornados + distraction device kit

Kan opgehaald worden of verzonden worden op kosten van de koper. 
Gelieve er wel rekening mee te houden dat verzendingen naar Nederland duurder zijn. + - vanaf 11.60 euro naar gelang het gewicht en dit  volgens Bpost.

A Green operated grenade with power, spread and simplicity never seen before in an Airsoft grenade.

Pull the pin, toss and get a 360° cover with 180 BBs. Durable construction and no loose parts means you can use it over and over again, and you only need to mind your fellow players - not the grenade - when you frag a room or bunker. This product is fresh on the market, but already thoroughly tested and every independent review is giving two thumbs up and five stars for it.

Independent tests have shown that the grenade keeps on going even after thousands of tosses. This product is built to last and was seriously engineered to deliver reliability in the field.

The Tornado Grenade is the most reliable and effective Airsoft grenade we have seen to date, and the careful development with players has refined it into a guaranteed hit! (pun intended.)


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